Biodiversity Catalog of Southwest Virginia
Lepidoptera: Moths
Thumbnail | Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | County |
Hooktip and False Owlet Moths: Family Drepanidae | Oreta rosea | Rose Hooktip | D, R, T | |
Wild Silk Moths: Family Saturniidae | Actias luna | Luna moth | T | |
Wild Silk Moths: Family Saturniidae | Anisota senatoria | Orange-tipped Oakworm Moth | T | |
Wild Silk Moths: Family Saturniidae | Antheraea polyphemus | Polyphemus Moth | T | |
Wild Silk Moths: Family Saturniidae | Automeris io | Io moth | T | |
Wild Silk Moths: Family Saturniidae | Dryocampa rubicuna | Rosy Maple Moth | T | |
Wild Silk Moths: Family Saturniidae | Eacles imperialis | Imperial moth | R | |
Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths: Family Sphingidae | Amorpha juglandis | Walnut sphinx | T | |
Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths: Family Sphingidae | Deidamia inscriptum | Lettered sphinx | T | |
Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths: Family Sphingidae | Hemaris thysbe | Hummingbird Clearwing | T | |
Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths: Family Sphingidae | Paonias myops | Small-eyed Sphinx | R,T | |
Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths: Family Sphingidae | Sphinx kalmiae | Laurel Sphinx | T | |
Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths: Family Sphingidae | Xylophanes tersa | Tersa Sphinx | R | |
Prominents: Family Notodontidae | Heterocampa biundata | Wavy-lined Heterocampa | R,T | |
Prominents: Family Notodontidae | Heterocampa guttivitta | Maple Prominent | T | |
Prominents: Family Notodontidae | Hyperaeschra georgica | Georgian Prominent | T | |
Prominents: Family Notodontidae | Lochmaeus bilineata | Double-lined Prominent | T | |
Prominents: Family Notodontidae | Lochmaeus manteo | Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar Moth | T | |
Prominents: Family Notodontidae | Misogada unicolor | Drab Prominent | T | |
Prominents: Family Notodontidae | Nadata gibbosa | White-dotted Prominent | R,T | |
Prominents: Family Notodontidae | Nerice bidentata | Double-toothed Prominent | T | |
Prominents: Family Notodontidae | Peridea angulosa | Angulose Prominent | T | |
Prominents: Family Notodontidae | Schizura ipomoeae | Morning-glory Prominent | R,T | |
Prominents: Family Notodontidae | Schizura leptinoides | Black-blotched Schizura | T | |
Pterophorid Moths, Plume Moths: Family Pterophoridae | Emmelina monodactyla | Morning-glory Plume Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Achatia distincta | Distinct Quaker | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Acronicta americana | American Dagger Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Acronicta funeralis | Funerary Dagger Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Acronicta haesitata | Hesitant Dagger Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Acronicta increta | Raspberry Bud Dagger Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Acronicta laetifica | Pleasant Dagger Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Agnorisma badinodis | Pale-banded Dart | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Agriopodes fallax | The Green Marvel | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Allagrapha aerea | Unspotted Looper Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Amphipyra pyramidoides | Copper Underwing | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Anicla infecta | Green Cutworm Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Autographa precationis | The Common Looper Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Basilodes pepita | Gold Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Cerma cerintha | Tufted Bird-dropping Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Choephora fungorum | Bent-Line Dart | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Chrysodeixis includens | Soybean Looper Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Colocasia propinquilinea | Closebanded Yellowhorn Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Condica vecors | Dusky Groundling | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Copivaleria grotei | Grote’s Sallow | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Dargida diffusa | Wheat Head Armyworm Moth | R, T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Eosphoropteryx thyatyroides | Pink-patched Looper Moth, Pink-tinted Beauty | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Feltia herilis | Master’s Dart | R, T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Feltia jaculifera | Dingy Cutworm Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Feltia subterranea | Subterranean Dart Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Helicoverpa zea | Corn Earworm Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Lacanobia subjuncta | Speckled Cutworm Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Lacinipolia explicata | Explicit Arches | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Lacinipolia renigera | Bristly Cutworm Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Leucania inermis | Unarmed Wainscot | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Leuconycta diphteroides | Green Leuconycta | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Lithophane baileyi | Bailey’s Pinion | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Lithophane baileyi | Grote’s Pinion | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Lithophane petulca | Wanton Pinion | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Maliattha synochitis | Black-dotted Maliattha | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Marimatha nigrofimbria | Black-bordered Lemon Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Melanchra adjuncta | Hitched Arches | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Metaxaglaea inulta | Unsated Sallow | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Metaxaglaea semitaria | Footpath Sallow | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Metaxaglaea viatica | Roadside Sallow | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Mythimna unipuncta | Armyworm Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Nephelodes minians | Bronzed Cutworm Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Noctue pronuba | European Yellow Underwing | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Oligia modica | Black-banded Brocade | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Panthea acronyctoides | Black Zigzag | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Panthea furcilla | Eastern Panthea | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Papaipema arctivorens | Northern Burdock Borer Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Papaipema baptisiae | Wild Indigo Borer Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Papaipema cerussata | Ironweed Borer Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Papaipema furcata | Ashtip Borer Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Papaipema impecuniosa | Aster Borer Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Pseudeustrotia carneola | Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Schinia rivulosa | Ragweed Flower Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Spodoptera frugiperda | Fall Armyworm Moth | T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Spodoptera ornithogalli | Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Sutyna privata | Private Sallow Moth | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Xestia dolosa | Greater Black-letter Dart | R,T | |
Owlet Moths, Miller Moths: Family Noctuidae | Xestia smithii | Smith’s Dart | ||
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Allotria elonympha | False Underwing | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Apantesis nais | Nais Tiger Moth | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Caenurgina crassiuscula | Clover Looper Moth | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Caenurgina erechtea | Forage Looper Moth | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Catocala cerogama | Yellow-banded Underwing | D | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Catocala flebilis | Mourning Underwing | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Catocala nebulosa | Clouded Underwing | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Catocala neogama | The Bride | R,T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Catocala retecta | The Yellow-gray Underwing | D | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Clemensia albata | Little White Lichen Moth | R,T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Cycnia tenera | Delicate Cycnia or Dogbane Tiger Moth | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Dasychira vagans | Variable Tussock Moth | R,T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Estigmene acrea | Salt Marsh Moth or Acrea Moth | R,T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Euparthenos nubilis | Locust Underwing | R,T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Grammia arge | Arge Tiger Moth | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Halysidota harrisii | Sycamore Tussock Moth | R,T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Haploa contigua | The Neighbor | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Hypena abalienalis | White-Lined Bomolocha Moth | R,T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Hypena baltimoralis | Baltimore Bomolocha Moth | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Hypena palparia | Mottled Bomolocha Moth | ||
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Hypena scabra | Green Cloverworm Moth | R,T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Hypercompe scribonia | Great Leopard Moth | R,T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Hyphantria cunea | Fall Webworm Moth | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Idia americalis | American Idia Moth | D | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Idia lubricalis | Glossy Black Idia Moth | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Lascoria ambigualis | Ambiguous Moth | R | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Lophocampa caryae | Hickory Tussock Moth | R,T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Orgyia definita | Definite Tussock Moth | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Orgyia leucostigma | White-marked Tussock Moth | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Palthis angulalis | Dark-spotted Palthis Moth | D, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Palthis asopialis | Faint-spotted Palthis Moth | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Parallelia bistriaris | Maple Looper Moth | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Phalaenophana pyramusalis | Dark-banded Owlet Moth | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Phalaenostola metonalis | Pale Epidelta Moth | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Pyrrharctia isabella | Isabella Tiger Moth or Banded Woolybear | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Renia adspergillus | Speckled Renia Moth | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Renia factiosalis | Sociable Renia Moth | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Renia flavipunctalis | Yellow-spotted Renia Moth | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Spilosoma virginica | Virginian Tiger Moth or Yellow Woolybear Moth | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Virbia aurantiaca | Orange Holomelina | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Virbia ferruginosa | Rusty Holomelina | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Tetanolita floridana | Florida Tetanolita Moth | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Tetanolita mynesalis | Smoky Tetanolita Moth | D | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Zale lunata | Lunate Zale | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Zanclognatha laevigata | Variable Zanclognatha Moth | R | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Zanclognatha lituralis | Lettered Zanclognatha | T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Zanclognatha marcidilinea | Yellowish Zanclognatha | R, T | |
Erebid Moths: Family Erebidae | Zanclognatha pedipilalis | Grayish Zanclognatha | R, T | |
Grass Miner Moths: Family Elachistidae | Ethmia zelleriella | Zeller’s Ethmia Moth | T | |
Grass Miner Moths: Family Elachistidae | Machimia tentoriferella | Gold-striped Leaftier Moth | R,T | |
Tortricid Moths: Family Tortricidae | Platynota idaeusalis | Tufted Apple-bud Moth | T | |
Tortricid Moths: Family Tortricidae | Sparganothis sulfereana | Sparganothis Fruitworm Moth | T | |
Limacodids, Slug Caterpillar Moths: Family Limacodidae | Acharia stimulea | Saddleback Caterpillar Moth | T | |
Limacodids, Slug Caterpillar Moths: Family Limacodidae | Prolimacodes badia | Skiff Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Agriphila ruricolellus | Lesser Vagabond Sod Webworm | R,T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Agriphila vulgivagella | Vagabond Crambus Moth | R,T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Anania funebris | White Spotted Sable Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Blepharomastix ranalis | Hollow-spotted Blepharomastix Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Crambus agitatellus | Double-banded Grass-veneer Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Diastictis argyralis | White Spotted Orange Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Diastictis ventralis | White-spotted Brown Moth | R, T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Fissicrambus mutabilis | Changeable Grass Veneer | R,T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Fumibotys fumalis | Mint Root Borer Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Glaphyria sequistrialis | White-roped Glaphyria | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Herpetogramma aeglealis | T | ||
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Hymenia perspectalis | Spotted Beet Webworm Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Microcrambus elegans | Elegant Grass-veneer | R, T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Nomophila nearctica | Lucerne Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Palpita magniferalis | Spledid Palpita | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Pantographa limata | Linden-Leafroller Moth | R,T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Parapediasia teterrella | Bluegrass Webworm Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Polygrammodes flavidalis | Ironweed Root Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Pyrausta acrionalis | Mint-loving Pyrausta Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Scoparia biplagialis | Double Striped Scoparia Moth | R,T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Sitochroa palealis | Greenish-Yellow Sitochroa Moth | T | |
Crambid Snout Moths: Family Crambidae | Urola nivalis | Snowy Urola Moth | R,T | |
Pyralid Moths: Family Pyralidae | Pococera asperatella | Maple Webworm Moth | T | |
Pyralid Moths: Family Pyralidae | Sciota virgatella | Black-spotted Leafroller Moth | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Anavitrinella pampinaria | Common Gray | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Besma quercivoraria | Oak Besma | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Biston betularia | Pepper and Salt Geometer | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Campaea perlata | Pale Beauty | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Caripeta angustiorata | Brown Pine Looper | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Coryphista meadii | Barberry Geometer | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Costaconvexa centrostrigaria | The Bent-line Carpet | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Digrammia ocellinata | Faint-spotted Angle | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Dyspteris abortivaria | The Bad-wing | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Ectropis crepuscularia | The Small Engrailed | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Ennomos magnaria | Maple Spanworm | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Epimecis hortaria | Tulip-Tree Beauty | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Eubaphe mendica | The Beggar | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometriae | Eupithecia absinthiata | T | ||
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Eusarca confusaria | Confused Eusarca | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Eutrapela clemataria | Curved-Toothed Geometer | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Glenoides texanaria | Texas Gray | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Heterophleps triguttaria | Three-spotted Fillip | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Horisme intestinata | Brown Bark Carpet | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Hypagyrtis unipunctata | One-Spotted Variant | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Iridopsis defectaria | Brown-shaded Gray | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Iridopsis larvaria | Bent-Lined Gray | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Iridopsis vellivolata | Large Purplish Gray | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Lambdina fervidaria | Curved-line Looper Moth | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Lomographa glomeraria | Gray Spring Moth | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Lomographa vestaliata | White Spring Moth | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Macaria aemulataria | Common Angle | R, T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Macaria bisignata | Red-headed inchworm | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Macaria fissinotata | Hemlock Angle | R, T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Macaria minorata | Minor Angle Moth | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Melanolophia canadaria | Canadian melanolophia | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Metarranthis hypochraria | Common Metarranthis | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Pero ancetaria | Hubner’s Pero | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Pero morrisonaria | Morrison’s Pero | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Pleuroprucha insulsaria | Common Tan Wave | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Probole alienaria | Alien Probole | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Prochoerodes lineola | Large Maple Spanworm Moth | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Protoboarmia porcelaria | Porcelain Gray | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Scopula limboundata | Large Lace-border | R,T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Speranza pustularia | Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Synchlora aerata | Wavy-Lined Emerald | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Tetracis crocallata | Yellow Slant-line | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Timandra amaturaria | Cross-lined Waved | R | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Tornos scolopacinarius | T | ||
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Trichodezia albovittata | White-striped Black | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Trigrammia quadrinotaria | Four-spotted Angle | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Xanthorhoe ferrugata | Red Twin-spot | T | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Xanthorhoe labradorensis | Labrador Carpet Moth | D | |
Geometer Moths, Looper Moths: Family Geometridae | Xanthotype urticaria | False Crocus Geometer | R, T | |
Apatelodid Moths: Family Apatelodidae | ||||
Lasiocampid Moths: Family Lasiocampidae | Artace cribraria | Dot-lined White | R,T | |
Lasiocampid Moths: Family Lasiocampidae | Malacosoma americanum | Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth | R, T | |
Lasiocampid Moths: Family Lasiocampidae | Tolype velleda | Large Tolype Moth | R,T | |
Yponomeutid Moths: Family Yphonomeutidae | Atteva aurea | Ailanthus Webworm Moth | T |
Showing 1 to 214 of 214 entries