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Emergency Information

In the threat of immediate danger, always dial 911. For non-life-threatening campus situations, contact Campus Police.

Personal judgment must be exercised to assess the urgency of the situation and the appropriate personnel to contact.

  • Pull the nearest fire alarm.
  • Exit the building immediately.
  • Do NOT leave campus until accounted for by staff.
  • Close and lock the door.
  • Turn off lights.
  • Silence cell phones & refrain from use.
  • Move to an area out of line of sight of the door.
  • REMAIN IN PLACE until released by police.
  • Stay Indoors: When the shelter-in-place alert is issued, all students, faculty, and staff should immediately seek shelter inside the nearest building. 
  • Move To Interior Spaces: Choose a room or area away from windows and doors. Ideal locations include emergency shelters, interior hallways, or rooms with no windows.
  • Secure the Space: Once inside, lock or barricade doors, if possible, close any windows.
  • Remain Calm and Await Instructions: Please remain in your shelter-in-place location until an official all-clear message is given through text alerts. 
  • All Clear: Once the “all clear” is announced you may resume regular activities.

During a Storm Shelter Alert, individuals should make their way quickly to the nearest designated Storm Shelter.

Storm shelter signs have been placed across the campus to identify locations that meet one or more of the safety location requirements in the event of a severe weather warning, such as a tornado.

If you cannot get to a designated Storm Shelter, find a location that:

  • Has no windows.
  • Is on the lowest possible floor of a building.
  • Has no exterior walls.

Upon notification of a Storm Shelter Alert, all persons should proceed to the closest designated Storm Shelter, assisting those in need and directing those under their supervision to go to the Storm Shelter. Whenever possible, employees should maintain an approximate head count of the people in their areas. All building occupants are to remain in the Storm Shelter until the Warning has expired or until notified that the danger has passed.

Main Campus Shelters:

  • Tazewell Hall: T119 (Auditorium)
  • Russell Hall: R 123 and 124
  • Davis Hall: 121 (Auditorium)
  • King Community Center: First-floor lounge and training rooms
  • Dickenson Hall: Lobby
  • Buchanan Hall: Advising Center
  • Dellinger Hall: 149 
  • Physical Plant: Central bathrooms
  • Workforce Building: Storage room

Lebanon Center Shelter:

  • B115 (Auditorium)

See the Inclement Weather Closing or Delay Status for current closings and delays, if any.

Emergency Drills are an important component of Southwest’s Emergency Preparedness Plan. By practicing what to do before an emergency, you learn what to do and how to get to safety more quickly in the event of an actual emergency.

  • A variety of drills will be performed each academic year.
  • Review the evacuation and shelter-in-place instructions published on this page.
  • Sign up for Southwest Alerts to receive urgent information about drills, emergencies, and other matters.
  • After a drill, we encourage you to leave feedback to let us know what went well or where we may improve.
EMSTazewell County276-322-7393
EMSTown of Tazewell276-988-9062
EMSThompson Valley276-970-5489
FireAbbs Valley Bossievain Vol.276-945-2093
FireBandy Vol.276-598-4706
FireBaptist Valley Vol.276-385-5762
FireBishop Vol.276-988-9740
FireBluefield Virginia Vol.276-326-1360
FireBurkes Garden Vol.276-472-2691
FireCedar Bluff276-964-4889
FireClearfork Vol.276-970-5271
FireCove Vol.276-988-9662
FireDAD Vol.276-988-7936
FireJewell Ridge Vol.276-881-8282
FireTannersville Vol.276-496-7322
FireTazewell Co. Vol.276-245-.015
FireTown of Tazewell276-988-5888
FireThompson Valley Vol.276-988-4435
Law EnforcementTazewell County Sheriff’s Office276-988-0902
Law EnforcementRichlands Police Department276-964-9134
Law EnforcementCedar Bluff Police Department276-963-3975
Law EnforcementTazewell Police Department276-988-2503
Law EnforcementHonaker Town Police Department276-873-5297
Law EnforcementSaltville Police Department276-873-5297
Law EnforcementLebanon Police Department276-496-4321
Law EnforcementRussell County Sheriff’s Office276-889-8033
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All Southwest locations are closed on Wednesday, February 12, due to inclement weather.
Day & Evening Classes are canceled.