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Testing Center / Proctored Testing

Students in courses that require proctored tests/exams are expected to take their tests/exams in the Testing Center, Dellinger Hall, room DE-107.

Exams are administered on a walk-in, first-come/first-serve basis without an appointment. The testing center hours, unless otherwise posted, are:

Monday – Friday, 7:45 am – 4:30 pm

General Information

  • Students should arrive at the testing center early enough to allow them to finish the test within 15 minutes prior to closing.
    • Students who are still testing at the time of closing will be required to submit or exit their test.
  • All individuals must present a photo ID in order to take any assessment at a SWCC Testing Center.
  • Students will leave all personal belongings (including cell phones) secured in a locker prior to entering the Testing Center.
    • No cell phones or other electronic devices will be allowed in the testing center.
    • No books, notes, or other materials are allowed in the testing center (unless authorized by the instructor).
    • No food, drinks, tobacco/electronic cigarettes or vaping devices, or products are allowed in the Testing Center.
  • No talking or other disturbances are allowed in the Testing Center.
  • No visitors are allowed in testing areas (including children).
  • Some publishers are making textbooks available in an electronic format. If you are considering purchasing an electronic version of a textbook rather than a hardback textbook, be aware of the following information:
    • If your course allows open-book exams, you will not be able to use your electronic text, printouts of the electronic text, or copies of the pages of a hardback textbook during the exam. If you will want to use your book on these open-book exams, you should opt to buy a physical book rather than an eBook.
    • Unlike a hardback textbook, eBooks cannot be returned.
    • Access to an eBook may expire after a period of time. If you need the text for a second semester or get an extension to complete the course, you need to make sure you have enough time to complete the course(s).
    • Some publishers block printing from electronic textbooks.
    • Some publishers block the use of screen readers when accessing electronic textbooks.

Proctoring Guidelines

Students who live in the Grundy or Lebanon area, and do not come to campus for other classes, may test at the Booth Center (276-964-7354) or the Lebanon Center (276-889-7613) after contacting the site. Once students have made contact with the site, the site facilitator will e-mail Distance Learning and the passwords/tests and instructions will be e-mailed to the site. *There are some classes restricted to on-campus testing only.

Any student who lives outside of those service areas must locate a willing proctor site and complete the SWCC Proctor Form available online. It is the student’s responsibility to secure an appropriate proctor and to pay any fees charged by the proctor. A listing of SWCC’s off-campus sites may be found at

Off-campus testing requires the completion of the Proctor Form. It is the student’s responsibility to secure a proctor and to pay any fees charged by the proctor.


SWCC’s Distance Learning requires that the proctor be a staff member at a college or university testing center, college, or public Librarian. Exceptions may apply with mitigating circumstances. The proctor cannot be a family member, neighbor, friend, adjunct faculty, teacher, employer, or co-worker. Requests for proctors must be approved by SWCC’s Distance Learning. SWCC reserves the right to reject requests for proctors for any reason.

Should you plan to use proctoring services, the proctor form or request should be returned to Distance Learning within the first two weeks of each semester. One approved proctor form/request will suffice for all classes. E-mail Distance Learning at  or call 276-964-7279 or 800-859-1513 for further information.

Proctor Form Instructions

  1. Fill out the top half, including any and all courses you are taking via Distance Learning.
  2. Take the form to the approved facility, and have them fill out and sign the bottom half of the form. It is your responsibility to make sure they fax the form to us and follow up with our office to ensure we received it.
  3. We must receive this form in the Distance Learning office well in advance of your first test. Time must be allowed for the sending and receiving of materials, so keep that in mind when you’re scheduling your tests. They should be received by Distance Learning on the posted deadlines.

See a listing of Off-Campus Sites and Contact Information

Other testing services

Our testing center also provides the following testing services:

  • Pearson Vue Certified Testing
  • Promissor
  • ATI
  • Certiport
  • Proctored testing for other institutions

The Center administers Certiport tests Monday through Thursday between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call 276-964-7279 to schedule an appointment.
Testing clients must:

  • arrive on campus in time to complete all testing by 4:00 pm.
  • have a current Certiport User ID and password and be able to access it. This registration process can be completed at
  • have previously purchased a voucher from Certiport and have the voucher number with them to access the test or the client is in a (Southwest) program that has e-mailed the voucher number to the testing center.
  • have a pictured ID.

In case of holidays or inclement weather, call the testing center at 276-964-7279 or 800-859-1513 to ensure that the center is open. (Please do not wait until the last day of the voucher expiration to test.)

For more information on our testing services, call 276-964-7674.

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All Southwest locations are closed on Wednesday, February 12, due to inclement weather.
Day & Evening Classes are canceled.