The Clinch Mountain Review is an annual publication of works by writers who live in Southwestern Virginia or have lived here in the past. No one style, theme, or sensibility dominates.
Intermixed on our pages one can find the contemporary and the traditional, the realistic and the fanciful, the innocent and the experienced, the playful and the serious, the secular and the religious, the violent and the pacific, the disturbing and the reassuring, the gritty and the smooth.
This means that, although a single reader is unlikely to resonate with every work, virtually everyone should be able to find some pieces which strike an inner chord.
The Clinch Mountain ReviewPO Box 1101Richlands, VA 24641-1101Contact Email Address:
Copies (while they last) are available in the Arts & Sciences Division Office or by mail nationally. Contact 276-964-7510 or for more information.
Contributing authors must be:
Unsolicited submissions will be considered only if received BETWEEN JANUARY 15 and JUNE 3. Notification will be by e-mail in early summer. Publication will be in the Fall.
Payment is one copy of the issue in which your work appears.
All rights revert to the author after publication in The Clinch Mountain Review.
Copies (while they last) are available in the Humanities Division Office or by mail nationally. Contact 276-964-7392 or for more information.
Contributors must be at least 18 years of age and be a CURRENT or FORMER RESIDENT of Southwest Virginia.
Samples from each issue can be found on that year’s publication page link listed on the CMR Menu.
Yes, CMR is looking for pieces written by individuals from Southwestern Virginia (current and former), not about Southwestern Virginia. Pieces about Southwestern Virginia are accepted and encouraged, but this is not a requirement.
Yes, CMR is looking for a variety of styles both contemporary and traditional.
If you have additional questions please contact the CMR Editor, Russ Wood at .
All Locations: 2-Hour Delay on Wednesday, January 15, 2025