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Submit your photos

Biodiversity Catalog of Southwest Virginia

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Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, bmp, Max. file size: 1 MB.
Note: Maximum upload size is 1MB.
By submitting this photo you: (see below)*
1. Affirm that the e-mailed photo is your property to share/publish without copyright infringement. Photographers will retain copyright of their images and photo credit will be given on the SWCC Biodiversity Catalog of Southwest Virginia website.
2. Grant permission for SWCC to use /publish the photo on the Biodiversity Catalog of Southwest Virginia website without monetary or other compensation to you.
3. Grant permission for photos to be modified (edited, cropped, resized, formatted) for display on the SWCC Biodiversity Catalog website.
4. Grant permission for photos to be distributed to 3rd parties for species identification/verification.
5. Only select photos will be displayed on the SWCC Biodiversity Catalog website. In focus photos that clearly display features that aid in species identification will be given preference. Higher quality photos will replace poor quality images in the species lists.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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