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Interlibrary Loan


It is a cooperative effort between libraries to provide better services for their patrons. If the Southwest Library doesn’t have what you need, then use the request form at the bottom of this page to acquire it.


This service is usually provided free for library patrons; they are only charged if the lending institution charges us.

NOTE:If materials are not returned, damaged, or destroyed, the lending library will assess a replacement cost which will be the responsibility of the borrowing patron.  If the obligation is not met, then borrowing privileges will be suspended, until such obligation is paid.  These charges will also be reported to the SWCC Business Office on a quarterly basis, which can result in blockage of transcript retrieval and/or enrolling for classes until the obligation is met.


  • Come into the library and fill out the request form(s). These forms are located at the ILL desk and can be requested from any library personnel.
  • Requests from faculty/staff can also be phoned in to one of our personnel, or sent by campus mail. We can also receive requests by e-mail. The address is
  • You can also make your request using the form at the bottom of this page.
    Just make sure that your citation is as complete as possible, including volume, number and the date of periodical articles.

A current library card is required for this service. If you don’t have a library card, bring a photo I.D. by the Circulation Desk and apply for one.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
I will accept*
Accept microfiche or microfilm (we no longer have microform readers in the library)*
Periodical information (if applicable)
Periodical information (if applicable)
Periodical information (if applicable)
Periodical information (if applicable)
Periodical information (if applicable)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Periodical information (if applicable)
Periodical information (if applicable)
Periodical information (if applicable)
Periodical information (if applicable)
8 of 14 max characters
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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The Library will be closed on Sunday, January 21.