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Trivette Ready to Teach Tennis


Published on August 9th, 2019

Southwest Virginia Men’s and Women’s Tennis Coach, Joseph Trivette, says he is ready to teach tennis. Trivette recently attended the week-long Van Der Meer “Tennis University” at Hilton Head Island. He received certification in Group and Individual Teaching, Teaching Children, and Advanced Coaching. Trivette says “we received expert coaching and tennis-teaching advice from world-class tennis experts. We were taught how to teach and evaluate all the strokes including serves, forehands, backhands, volleys, overheads, etc.” Jason Vencill, Southwest’s Athletic Director adds that it is great to know that our tennis athletes are receiving the same “cutting-edge instruction” as tennis academy students. Trivette invites all area athletes and tennis players to contact him to discuss tennis opportunities. He adds that there are still spots on Southwest Tennis teams and community athletes might be eligible for athletic scholarships if they did not graduate from 4-year institutions.

Trivette can be reached at or 276-964-7381.

Pictured are Trivette; Dr. Louie Cap, Master Professional Tester, and Clinician; and Steve Rickard, the Director of Tennis Operations for Van Der Meer Tennis since 1983.

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