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Southwest Moves Classes to Alternative Delivery

Dellinger Hall

Published on March 17th, 2020

Effective Monday, March 23rd, all class offerings will move to alternative delivery formats. Faculty may, at their own discretion, choose to include both synchronous and asynchronous activities, but no face-to-face meetings will be allowed.

The health and wellbeing of our students, faculty, and staff is always our top priority. Southwest leadership team members have been in regular consultation with each other as well as state and local health officials. They have been closely monitoring information on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Virginia Department of Health, and other relevant state agencies.

We are also committed to keeping educational disruptions to a minimum and helping students stay on track to complete their coursework for the semester and, in the case of our graduating students, to receive their degrees. To date, there haven’t been any reported cases of coronavirus on our campuses.

Southwest is immediately initiating a series of steps designed to mitigate the risk of transmission. The goal of these efforts is to promote social distancing – a main preventative measure recommended by the CDC.

All campus-events have been cancelled. The state-wide ban on travel remains in effect.

The campus is still open, however, only essential staff will be on-location. Most of our employees will be working from alternate locations.

If visiting Southwest’s main campus, please refer to temporary signage for direction to currently available staff and resources.

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