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Academic Accessibility Services

Accessibility Services at Southwest Virginia Community College

At Southwest Virginia Community College, we are dedicated to ensuring equal access to education for all students. Under Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Amended Act of 1990, we provide appropriate Accessibility Services to support students with disabilities.

Confidentiality and Document Security: All documentation regarding Accessibility Services is securely stored and is not considered part of your academic transcript.

Disclosure Process: In college, students are responsible for self-disclosing their disability status, which differs significantly from the secondary school system (PreK-12). You can disclose your disability status to an instructor, academic advisor, or directly to the Director of Academic Accessibility Services located in Admissions, Dellinger Hall, room DE-225.

Setting Up an Eligibility Appointment: To begin the process, students should schedule an Eligibility Appointment with the Director by calling 276-964-7301 or emailing It is essential to meet with the Director before the start of each semester.

Accommodations Renewal: Please note that accommodations will not automatically carry over each semester. It is imperative to coordinate with the Director to ensure continued support.

Instructor Notification: Instructors will only provide accommodations once they receive official notice from the Director of Academic Accessibility Services.

We are committed to fostering an inclusive learning environment where every student has the opportunity to thrive. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Additional Accessibility Services information can be found in the tabs below.

Director of Academic Accessibility Services:
Dionne Cook
Dellinger Hall, room DE-225 in Admissions

Students must self-disclose their disability status in college, which is very different from the secondary school system (PreK-12).

  • Students can self-disclose to an instructor, or an advisor, or contact the Director of Academic Accessibility Services directly in Admissions – Dellinger Hall, Room 225.
  • Students should set up an Eligibility Appointment with the Director by calling 276-964-7301 or emailing
  • Students must meet with the Director before the beginning of each semester.
  • Accommodations will not automatically carry over each semester.
  • Instructors will not provide accommodations until they receive notice from the Director.

If the student has an IEP and/or 504 Plan that is less than 3 years old, SWCC can use this to establish eligibility for services. However, bear in mind that these documents may be insufficient as a sole form of documentation, as both are required under laws that do not apply once the student attends college.

Any diagnostic documentation from treating healthcare providers should state specific results of the evaluation process and include any relevant test scores.

The Director will communicate if any additional documentation is needed to the student at the Eligibility Appointment.

Once the Eligibility Interview is complete, the Director will notify the student by email as to their eligibility status and forward the Approved Accommodations Form to the student’s instructors. Academic accommodations will be provided based on functional limitations verified by the documentation.

Accommodations may include:

  • Extended time for timed testing
  • Read-aloud services for testing
  • Supervised breaks during proctored testing
  • Private room testing (proctored and non-proctored)
  • Audio recording of in-class lectures
  • Closed-captioning on video-recorded lectures
  • Assistive & adaptive technology
  • American Sign Language interpreter services
  • Preferred seating in the classroom
  • Instructor notes & presentations, if not already available

Instructors reserve the right to deliver accommodations themselves as appropriate, but there are times when the classroom setting is not the best environment to deliver this level of support. The Office of Academic Accessibility Services will administer all testing accommodations as needed and communicated by the instructor.

Students must work with their instructor/s on scheduling all assessments (quizzes, tests, exams) that require accommodations. Instructors will communicate directly with Academic Accessibility Services regarding scheduling for each student.


  • Students are required to request any needed accommodation at least 48 hours prior to each test by contacting Academic Accessibility Services and their instructor.
  • If a reader or scribe is needed then the test will be administered on the main campus.
  • For all testing accommodations, the student is expected to take the test on the regularly scheduled day and provide advance notice of needing the accommodation.
  • Faculty are expected to submit all testing information to Academic Accessibility Services at least 24 hours before the due date.
  • Faculty are expected to contact Academic Accessibility Services if they need assistance to implement these accommodations.

Applied Studies Diploma and non-high school/non-GED recipients:

  • Will need to meet Ability to Benefit criteria by taking the Virginia Placement Test before enrolling (students must test into EDE 10 and MDE 10).  Student will need to schedule an appointment with the Director of Admissions before testing.
  • Passing scores of the Ability to Benefit assessment ONLY allow enrollment options, not financial aid eligibility.
  • Student will ONLY be allowed to register for certificate programs unless the certificate program specifies a high school diploma/GED – if so, the student will not be allowed to register for that particular program. Example: Practical Nursing is a certificate program but requires a high school diploma or GED for program acceptance based upon program policy and procedures.
  • Student can register and receive funding for Workforce classes if the student is over 18, is a VA resident (has resided in VA 12 months or longer), and has no previous student holds – contact Workforce Development for more information.
  • Student cannot receive federal/state financial aid.
  • To receive Title IV funds, a student must be qualified to study at the postsecondary level. A student qualifies if she: has a high school diploma (this can be from a foreign school if it is equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma); has the recognized equivalent of a high school diploma, such as a general educational development (GED) certificate or other state sanctioned test or diploma-equivalency certificate.

VCCS Policy related to non-high school graduates or non-GED recipients:

6.0.1 General Admission to the VCCS Colleges

Individuals are eligible for admission to the community college if they are high school graduates or the equivalent, or if they are eighteen years of age or older and able to benefit academically from study at the community college, as demonstrated by assessment in reading, writing, and mathematics.  Minimum scores are noted in the chart below:

Virginia Placement Test Scores:

  • Reading:  EDE 10
  • Writing:  EDE 10
  • Math:  MDE 10

Exceptions to this policy may be made by the college president only for documented reasons.


In compliance with applicable law, Southwest generally allows service animals in its buildings, classrooms, meetings, dining areas, recreational facilities, activities, and events when the animal is accompanied by an individual with a disability who indicates the service animal is trained to provide and does provide, a specific service to them that is directly related to their disability.

For more information, refer to the SWCC Service Animal Policy

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All Locations: 2-Hour Delay on Wednesday, January 22, 2025

All locations closing at 3:45 PM on Fri, Jan 24, due to inclement weather. Night classes are canceled.

Service Alert: We are experiencing intermittent phone system issues affecting incoming calls.