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Disney+ Day X-Men

April 8 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT

Calling all mutants andMarvel fans! SWCC is hosting an epic watch party for the highlyanticipated X-Men ’97. Relive the nostalgia of the original series with a freshnew take that brings our favorite mutants into a new era. Grab your friends and joinyour fellow X-Men enthusiasts for a morning of superhero action. Whether yougrew up with the original series or are new to the world of Charles Xavier’sgifted youngsters, this is your chance to experience the next chapter in X-Menanimation with your campus community.

We’ll stream the series onthe big screen in the Student Lounge so you can enjoy every energy blast,psychic power, and “SNIKT!” in full glory. Feel free to bring snacksand get comfortable!

Remember:”Mutation – it is the key to our evolution.”


April 8
10:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT
Event Category:
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Day & Evening Classes are canceled.