RHS Presents: Wizard of Oz Junior
KCC AuditoriumRHS Drama Club Presentation of Wizard of Oz Junior
RHS Drama Club Presentation of Wizard of Oz Junior
Break out of your middayroutine and join us for Lunchtime Karaoke at Southwest Virginia CommunityCollege! Whether you're the next Taylor Swift or more of a shower singer,here's your chance to grab the mic and shine.Bring your lunch and yourfavorite song requests. We've got the sound system, the lyrics, and the stage -you bring the star
George Mason University 7:00pm https://vccs.zoom.us/j/84908466063
VDOT staff training
QEP with Tabbi Smith
RHS Cheerleading Banquet
RHS Drama Club presents: Wizard of Oz Junior
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Drug Improvement Court Staff Training
A transfer representative will be located in the Buchanan Hall cafeteria to discuss transfer opportunities at ETSU.
QEP with Tabbi Smith
Calling all mutants andMarvel fans! SWCC is hosting an epic watch party for the highlyanticipated X-Men '97. Relive the nostalgia of the original series with a freshnew take that brings our favorite mutants into a new era. Grab your friends and joinyour fellow X-Men enthusiasts for a morning of superhero action. Whether yougrew up with the original
Join the SWCC Music Department on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, Appalachian Art Center will host a Jazz Luncheon. Grab some lunch and listen to some Jazz!
Student Success Department Awards Banquet.
QEP with Tabbi Smith
2025 Upward Bound Banquet
OTA site meeting
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Radford University 6:00pm https://vccs.zoom.us/my/kgregory?omn=83224123281
Firefighter Association Monthly Meeting the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Photos will begin at 430pm with dinner starting at 530pm.
Presidental Candidate Forum
PTK Induction Ceremony
QEP with Tabbi Smith
Presidental Candidate Forum
Presidental Candidate Forum
Student Art Show Reception & Empty Bowls Dinner ($20) Ellen Elmes Art Gallery, Charles R. King Community Center https://sw.edu/festival
Piano x Three Mary W. Lawson Auditorium, Charles R. King Community Center https://sw.edu/festival
Presidental Candidate Forum
Trivia: Celebrating 30 Years of Festival of the Arts Room DE-118, Earl E. & Dorothy J. Dellinger Hall https://sw.edu/festival
Camerata Virtuosi New YorkTazewell Baptist Church, 141 W. Tower St, Tazewell, VAhttps://sw.edu/festival
Children’s Camerata: “Playing with Strings” Mary W. Lawson Auditorium, Charles R. King Community Center https://sw.edu/festival
Va Dept of Corrections Staff Training
Presidental Candidate Forum
Worldsgiving (Culinary Experience and Fashion Show) The Quad, area between Buchanan, Dellinger, and Tazewell Halls https://sw.edu/festival
QEP with Tabbi Smith
Camerata Virtuosi New York Lebanon Memorial United Methodist Church, 24 Tate Ave, Lebanon, VA https://sw.edu/festival
Children’s Camerata: “Playing with Strings” Mary W. Lawson Auditorium, Charles R. King Community Center https://sw.edu/festival
Camerata Virtuosi New York First United Methodist Church, 200 S College Ave, Bluefield, VA https://sw.edu/festival
Knoxville Symphony Mary W. Lawson Auditorium, Charles R. King Community Center https://sw.edu/festival
Presidental Candidate Forum
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Cultural Walk Mary W. Lawson Auditorium, Charles R. King Community Center https://sw.edu/festival
Presidental Candidate Forum
Presidental Candidate Forum
DHT Pinning Ceremonies: Pharm Tech: Gym 9am OTA: Auditorium 10am RN: Gym 12pm
QEP with Tabbi Smith
QEP with Tabbi Smith
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Join the SWCC Music Department on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, Appalachian Art Center will host a Jazz Luncheon. Grab some lunch and listen to some Jazz!
Firefighter Association Monthly Meeting the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Sam Whited Gospel Singing Memorial.
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Join the SWCC Music Department on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, Appalachian Art Center will host a Jazz Luncheon. Grab some lunch and listen to some Jazz!
Firefighter Association Monthly Meeting the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Join the SWCC Music Department on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, Appalachian Art Center will host a Jazz Luncheon. Grab some lunch and listen to some Jazz!
Firefighter Association Monthly Meeting the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Join the SWCC Music Department on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, Appalachian Art Center will host a Jazz Luncheon. Grab some lunch and listen to some Jazz!
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Firefighter Association Monthly Meeting the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Fantasy Football
Fantasy Football
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Join the SWCC Music Department on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, Appalachian Art Center will host a Jazz Luncheon. Grab some lunch and listen to some Jazz!
Admin Cabinet bi-weekly meeting, Dellinger Hall 116.
Firefighter Association Monthly Meeting the 3rd Tuesday of each month.