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Faculty Award-Recognition

Nominate an outstanding SWCC faculty member for a Reward or Recognition!

The Faculty Recognition Program consists of three awards systems:

  1. The Annual Faculty Recognition Awards – All full-time teaching faculty members are eligible for nomination for the Annual Faculty Recognition Awards. Annual Faculty Recognition Nomination Form
  2. Learning Environment Awards – Full-time faculty, clinical and adjunct faculty are eligible to be nominated for the Learning Environment Awards. Learning Environment Award Nomination Form
  3. Outstanding Adjunct or Clinical Faculty Recognition Award – Adjunct and full-time clinical faculty are eligible for the Outstanding Clinical Faculty Award. Adjunct or Clinical Faculty Award Nomination Form

1. Annual Faculty Recognition Awards

Each year, the college presents a series of Faculty Recognition Awards to full-time teaching faculty nominated and selected for exemplary achievements, contributions, or activities in the areas of Teaching, Scholarly and Creative Engagement, Institutional Responsibility, and/or Service. Students may nominate a full-time faculty member by selecting the Student’s Choice Award. When making a nomination for a faculty award, please choose only one category and ensure the chosen category meets the criteria outlined below.

Faculty Teaching Effectiveness Award

Awarded to a member of the full-time teaching faculty whose performance in the classroom or other instructional environment best exemplifies effectiveness in promoting student achievement, including:

  • conducting extraordinary or innovative learning activities to the benefit of students
  • designing instructional materials to improve student learning
  • developing delivery modalities that expand student access and/or
    demonstrating exceptional achievement of student learning outcomes

Faculty Scholarly and Creative Engagement Award

Awarded to a member of the full-time teaching faculty who has achieved a significant academic scholarly accomplishment through research, publishing, and/or professional presentations, or who has achieved a significant creative works accomplishment, including:

  • research in the teaching discipline, instructional pedagogy, or instructional technology
  • publication in newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, or other recognized media
  • production or public exposition of creative works in visual arts, performing arts, musical, arts, literary arts, or other fine arts
  • presentation and/or major speech at professional organizations or events and/or
  • honors, awards, or recognition from professional organizations

Faculty Institutional Responsibility Award

Awarded to a member of the full-time teaching faculty who has achieved a major accomplishment of significant or world-class quality that furthers the college’s achievement of its strategic priorities, including:

  • providing leadership for a major strategic initiative
  • chairing a committee or task force that leads to a significant improvement in student success, business processes, or instructional quality and/or
  • singly or jointly achieving a major accomplishment of significant or world-class quality that supports the VCCS strategic plan.

Faculty Community Impact Award

Awarded to a member of the full-time teaching faculty members who has greatly impacted the college’s image through community service and/or involvement, including:

  • involvement in a community event such as charity fundraisers, events to foster diversity awareness, or other events designed to benefit the local community
  • volunteerism at a local community agency, school, or church and/or
  • service on the board of a local community service agency

Faculty Multicultural Enrichment Award

Awarded to a member of the full-time teaching faculty who demonstrates a high level of enthusiasm and commitment to helping our college celebrate the richness of different cultures and diversity, including:

  •  displaying an enthusiasm for the different cultures represented throughout our college campuses
  • striving to create enthusiasm and a positive attitude in others towards celebrating differences in culture and/or
  • conducting activities or events that are designed to enrich multiculturalism and diversity at our college

Faculty Leadership Award

Awarded annually to a member of the full-time teaching faculty who demonstrates leadership and commitment to the college, including:

  • leadership and commitment to a strategic initiative
  • leadership and commitment to a special project
  • leadership and commitment to an organization unit and/or
  • leadership and commitment to a college committee

Students Choice Award

Students must choose this option when submitting their nomination

  • The candidate should have good results from the student opinion of instruction, good administrative performance, and/or service to the community or campus.

Nomination Process

Individuals or groups may nominate a faculty member for an Annual Faculty Recognition Award at any time throughout the year.

2. Learning Environment Awards

The college is committed to providing an invigorating learning environment for its students, faculty, and staff.  To this end, the college has established the Learning Environment Awards as a means of recognizing, on an ongoing basis, extraordinary and exemplary contributions to the learning environment by teaching faculty in one or more of the following areas: Teaching, Scholarly and Creative Engagement, Institutional Responsibility, and Service to the College or the Community.

Nomination Process

Individuals or groups may nominate a faculty member for the Learning Environment Award at any time.

3. Outstanding Adjunct or Clinical Faculty Recognition Award

Each year, the college presents an award for the Outstanding Adjunct or Clinical Faculty Recognition Award

Nomination Process

Individuals or groups may nominate a faculty member for an Outstanding Adjunct or Clinical Faculty Recognition Award at any time.

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