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Grades & Transcripts


An official Southwest Virginia Community College transcript may ONLY be requested through the Parchment Transcript Request Service

We do not accept online transcript requests through SIS or written requests for transcripts.  


If you want to view your unofficial transcript from all terms, follow the steps below.

  1. LOGIN to MYSouthwest
  2. Select Student Information System
  3. Click on Self Service
  4. Click on Academic Records
  5. Click on View Unofficial Transcript
  6. Select the Institution
  7. Select the report type
  8. Unofficial Transcript
  9. Click on GO

Your full unofficial transcript will display to view/print.


To view your grades, follow the steps below.

  1. LOGIN to MYSouthwest
  2. Select Student Information System
  3. Click on Self Service
  4. Click on Academic Records
  5. Click on View My Grades
  6. Select the term for the grades you want to view.

Your course grade history will display for that term.

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All Southwest locations are CLOSED on Friday, February 21, due to inclement weather.
Day & Evening Classes are canceled.