The Jereial B. Fletcher Undergraduate Research Series is held annually to honor our students and faculty mentors in their pursuit of outstanding research, scholarship, and creative endeavors. This event brings together the SWCC campus community in supportive recognition and understanding of the wide spectrum of research disciplines in which our students and faculty are involved.
Student research projects represent three different categories:
- Traditional Research;
- Discipline Application/Innovation; and
- Case Study.
Students who participate in the series will prepare a research poster or exhibition that will be demonstrated for the campus community on April 2 and April 9, 2024.
We encourage SWCC students to work with their faculty mentor to submit a proposal for consideration by the deadline of February 26, 2024.
Awards will be presented to the best project in each category (Traditional, Discipline/Innovation, and Case Study).
Series Timeline
February 9, 2024 – The submission form will be available to students.
February 26, 2024 – The submission form will close.
March 6, 2024 – The Committee will review all submissions and contact students with additional information regarding preparation for the event date.
March 25, 2024 – Students will install their poster or exhibition.
April 2 and April 9, 2024 – Jereial B. Fletcher Undergraduate Research Series Oral and Poster Presentations take place during Activity Period.
Research Categories
Discipline Application/Innovation Projects
Discipline Application/Innovation Projects review a non-research-based discipline process, strategy or practice innovation. The innovation achieves a desired outcome or meets or exceeds a discipline benchmark.
The following sections shall be included on the project poster: Title; Background and purpose; Approach; Discussion; and Conclusion.
Examples of Discipline Application/Innovation Projects
“Isolation of Antimicrobial-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Non-Fermenting Bacteria from Livestock-associated Ambient Particulate Matter”
A novel approach was employed constructing and placing adhesive airstrips in a stockyard in a mid-western state. Samples were placed in enteric enrichment (EE) broth after collection and incubated for 24 hr. Samples that turned yellow due to fermentation were subsequently inoculated on ESBL and CRE screening media. Colonies that grew on both plates were transferred onto MacConkey and sheep blood agar to use for further testing. 8 of the 10 placed airstrips were recovered. Of the EE broth tubes, 7 of the 16 turned yellow, indicative of enteric bacteria. Of the 7 positive tubes, 5 isolates grew on ESBL and CRE screening media with only 1 isolate displaying pigmentation indicative of a resistant organism. The researchers were able to isolate resistant enteric bacteria from particulate matter in an agricultural setting using a novel sampling approach.
Case Study Report Projects
Case Study Report Projects review a particular instance of something used or analyzed to illustrate a thesis or principle. Case Study Reports often note a process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development of a particular person, group, or situation over some time.
The following sections shall be included on the poster: Title; Background and Purpose; Case Descriptions; Outcomes; Discussion; Conclusion; and References.
Examples of Case Study Report Projects
“Barriers to Seeking and Obtaining Academic Accommodations”
A qualitative case study explored barriers to seeking and obtaining academic accommodations for college students with identified learning disabilities attending a regional university in a Midwestern state in the United States of America. A biological model of inclusive education for use in higher education, developed by Hewett, Douglas, McLinden, and Keil (2016), was used as a guiding framework for the study. Semi-structured interviews, guided by a framework presented by Galleta (2013), were used to understand better the accommodation experiences of college students with identified learning disabilities. Thematic analysis was used to analyze transcribed data. Five themes emerged from the interviews conducted with five participants.
Traditional Research Projects
Traditional Research posters describe the collection and analysis of data to answer an original research question. The results of the original research project strengthen scholarly literature.
The following sections shall be included on the poster: Title; Background and purpose; Methods; Results; Conclusion; and Discussion.
Examples of Traditional Research Projects
“Effects of Agriculture on Fish Populations”
9 locations were chosen on the Clinch River, 4 along farms, and 5 that were at least ½ mile downstream. Fish were caught in a seine and identified. Comparisons were made between the groups.
“Addressing the Impact of a National Nursing Shortage in Our Community”
Three local hospitals were selected, Clinch Valley Medical Center, Carilion Hospital in Tazewell, and Russell County Medical Center. CVMC is a 175-bed facility and one of the largest employers of our community providing a wide range of services Russell County is a smaller hospital and an affiliate of Ballad Health is a 78-bed facility with specialty services, including behavioral health. Tazewell Community is an affiliate of Carilion, a 13-bed facility providing emergency care and inpatient/outpatient services. A five-year analysis was performed to identify how this national shortage has impacted our local hospitals.