Published on January 5th, 2022
Last modified January 5th, 2022 04:42 pm
Eighty-three (83) students have enrolled in non-traditional programs at Southwest Virginia Community College including 31 female students in Administration of Justice; one female in Automotive Diagnostic & Repair; 4 females in Electronics; 8 females in Engineering; one female in HVAC; 29 males in Nursing; and female students in Welding, Contractor’s License and Commercial Driver’s License programs. The Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education is a principle source of funding to strengthen and improve the quality of vocational education, more particularly non-traditional programs.
No matter what your background, level of education, or personality, you can benefit by learning more about non-traditional occupations. When it comes to your future, explore all the possibilities! Just to name a few of our non-traditional female students: Tyreace Davis, Grundy, VA loves forensic science and she has enrolled in Southwest’s Administrative Justice program. Angelique Gillespie, Pikeview, KY, has enrolled to become a criminal psychologist. Jayda Colley, Haysi, Virginia is pursuing a career in criminal psychology. Sarah Whited, Pounding Mill, CA is pursuing a career in Criminal Justice with a specialization in Crime Scene Investigation and Criminal Psychology. Mary Catherine Rowe, Swords Creek, VA has chosen a career in Electrical/Engineering/HVAC. Non-traditional male students include Aaron Steele, Richlands, VA, an art teacher who has chosen a career change to nursing.
When deciding on a career path it’s a good idea to consider all of your options. Don’t limit your career options just because you think the job you want is meant for a person of a specific gender. People who choose careers based on their interests, skills, and abilities, rather than based on gender stereotypes, experience greater rewards, and job satisfaction. It is important for men, as well as women, to choose careers that they find rewarding and interesting. Effective career planning means considering all of your options before choosing a career path. Don’t limit career options because you think the career is meant for a person of a specific gender. Choose your career based on what fits you!
Go to our web page sw.edu and explore our programs. Our advisors are ready to help you!