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Southwest Alumni Receive Awards at 2022 VCU Medical Laboratory Sciences Pinning

Student photographed in front of a "Class of 2022" banner

The Virginia Commonwealth University pinning ceremony for the Medical Laboratory Sciences program was held recently in Richmond, VA for 2022 graduates. Pictured are the students of the MLS program at the Higher Ed Center in Abingdon, VA.  Four of the five graduates are Southwest alumni, with several alumni receiving statewide awards and other recognition.

Student photographed in front of a "Class of 2022" banner
L-R: Alex Counts (SWCC), Mariah Lint (SWCC), Abigail Campbell, Dr. Josh Williams, Garyn Stowers (SWCC), Jacob Compton (SWCC)

Alex Counts and Garyn Stowers both received awards out of all the MLS students on all Virginia Commonwealth University campuses.  Both Alex and Garyn received the most prestigious departmental scholarship, the A.D. Williams award, and they both also received the AACC Clinical Chemistry student of the year award for the VA, MD, DE, D.C. region.

Alex Counts also received the Kupfer award, which is given to the best all-around medical laboratory student of the year.

Jacob Compton completed the SWCC Microbiology course, which helped prepare him to receive the overall VCU MLS achievement award in Microbiology.

Southwest is proud of these students and their hard work and academic dedication for which they received these honors and recognitions.

Learn more about Southwest’s Pre-Medical, Science Specialization at

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