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Uniform Certificate of General Studies

The Uniform Certificate of General Studies (UCGS) is a one-year college program in which all courses are transferable and satisfy lower-division general education requirements at any Virginia public institution of higher education.

The Passport is a component of the UCGS and is therefore a subset of courses in the UCGS. The UCGS consists of seven course blocks. To satisfy the UCGS students are required to complete the appropriate number of courses in each block as described below.  Student course selection should be carefully considered since the UCGS program is not designed to capture the complexities of individual programs of study at four-year institutions. Students should be advised to take the UCGS course that best suits their intended program of study at the four-year institution. The UCGS Course Roster for the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) is provided below. Only classes completed after May 2020 apply toward UCGS completion.


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VCCS Uniform Certificate of General Studies Course Roster

Students are required to select courses from each block as prescribed below.

  1. Block I (Written Communication)1 – Select ENG 111 plus one other course.
      • ENG 111 – College Composition I
      • ENG 112 – College Composition II
      • ENG 113 – Technical-Professional Writing
  2. Block II (Humanities /Art/Literature) – Select two courses chosen from different categories (please note that the two courses cannot be from the same category).
    1. Art
      • ART 100 – Art Appreciation
      • ART 101  – History of Art: Prehistoric to Gothic
      • ART 102 – History of Art: Renaissance to Modern
      • CST 130 – Introduction to Theatre
      • CST 151 – Film Appreciation I
      • MUS 121 – Music in Society
      • MUS 221 – History of Western Music Prior to 1750
      • MUS 222 – History of Western Music 1750 to Present
      • MUS 226 – World Music
    2. Humanities
      • HUM 201 – Early Humanities
      • HUM 202 – Modern Humanities
      • HUM 210 –  Introduction to Women and Gender Studies
      • HUM 216 – Introduction to Non-Western Cultures
      • HUM 220 – Introduction to African American Studies
      • HUM 256 – Comparative Mythology
      • HUM 259 – The Greek and Roman Tradition
      • PHI 100 – Introduction to Philosophy
      • PHI 111 – Logic
      • PHI 220 – Ethics and Society
      • REL 100 – Introduction to the Study of Religion
      • REL 230 – Religions of the World
      • REL 237 – Eastern Religions
      • REL 240 – Religions in America
    3. Literature
      • ENG 225 – Reading Literature: Culture and Ideas
      • ENG 245 – British Literature
      • ENG 246 – American Literature
      • ENG 250 – Children’s Literature
      • ENG 255 – World Literature
      • ENG 258 – African American Literature
      • ENG 275 – Women in Literature
  3. Block III (Social and Behavioral Sciences) – Select one course.
    • ECO 150 – Economic Essentials: Theory and Application
    • ECO 201 – Principles of Macroeconomics
    • ECO 202 – Principles of Microeconomics
    • GEO 210 – People and the Land: Intro to Cultural Geography
    • GEO 220 – World Regional Geography
    • PLS 135  – U.S. Government and Politics
    • PLS 140 – Introduction to Comparative Politics
    • PLS 241 – Introduction to International Relations I
    • PSY 200 – Principles of Psychology
    • SOC 200 – Introduction to Sociology
    • SOC 211 – Cultural Anthropology
    • SOC 268 – Social Problems
  4. Block IV (Natural Sciences) – Select one course.
    • BIO 101 – General Biology I
    • BIO 102 – General Biology II
    • BIO 106 – Life Science
    • CHM 101 – Introductory Chemistry I
    • CHM 111 – General Chemistry I
    • CHM 112 – General Chemistry II
    • ENV 121 – General Environmental Science I
    • ENV 122 –  General Environmental Science II
    • GOL 105 – Physical Geology
    • GOL 106 – Historical Geology
    • GOL 110 – Earth Systems: An Environmental Geology Perspective
    • PHY 100 – Elements of Physics
    • PHY 201 – General College Physics I (Algebra-Based)
    • PHY 202 – General College Physics II (Algebra-Based)
    • PHY 241 – University Physics I (Calculus-Based)
    • PHY 242 – University Physics II (Calculus-Based)
  5. Block V (Mathematics) – Select one course.
    1. Quantitative/Statistics Pathway:
      • MTH 154 – Quantitative Reasoning
      • MTH 155 – Statistical Reasoning
      • MTH 245 – Statistics I
    2.   Calculus Pathway:
      • MTH 161/162 – PreCalculus I/ PreCalculus II
      • MTH 167 – PreCalculus with Trigonometry
      • MTH 261 – Applied Calculus I
      • MTH 263 – Calculus I
      • MTH 264 – Calculus II
  6. Block VI (History) – Select one course.
    • HIS 101 – Western Civilizations Pre-1600 CE
    • HIS 102 – Western Civilizations Post-1600 CE
    • HIS 111 – World Civilizations Pre-1500 CE
    • HIS 112 –World Civilizations Post-1500 CE
    • HIS 121 – United States History to 1877
    • HIS 122 – United States History Since 1865
  7. Block VII (Specialized GE Requirements) – Select two courses.
    NOTE: For Block VII, students may complete courses from Blocks I-VI above or any additional courses below. Students should align their Block VII course selection with their intended transfer destination’s specific general education or programmatic requirements.

    • ASL 101 – American Sign Language I
    • ASL 102 – American Sign Language II
    • ASL 201 – American Sign Language III
    • ASL 202 – American Sign Language IV
    • ART 121 – Foundations of Drawing
    • ART 131 – Two Dimensional Design
    • ART 132 – Three Dimensional Design
    • ART 223 – Life Drawing
    • CSC 110 – Principles of Computer Science
    • CST 100 – Principles of Public Speaking
    • CST 110 – Introduction to Communication
    • FL 101 – Foreign Language I
    • FL 102 – Foreign Language II
    • FL 201 – Foreign Language III
    • FL 202 – Foreign Language IV
    • ITE 152 – Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications
    • MUS 101 – Fundamentals of Music

1 Students transferring to UVA may need to submit a writing portfolio before being considered as having met the institution’s First Writing Requirement. If transferring credits do not satisfy the First Writing Requirement, UVA agrees to accept and apply credits toward student graduation requirements and students will be required to take an institutional writing course.

* MTH 121/152 should only be taken by students preparing for calculus or for four-year degree programs that require study in College Algebra/PreCalc.  Precalculus may not satisfy general education and may not receive transfer credit.

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