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Precision Machining Student Working

Career & Technical Education Honors College

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Honors College Program provides the participant with experiential educational opportunities. These opportunities prepare them to enter the workforce, upon graduation, with an array of skills, abilities, experience and a significant competitive advantage. The experiences will focus on relevant skills and a global perspective of current industry and business environments.

Students in this Cohort-Based program will:

  • Participate in work-based experiences including job shadowing, career fairs, mock interviews, field trips, company tours, cooperative education, and internship opportunities.
  • Business and industry trips with guest speakers.
  • Participate in program of study related clubs and competitions.
  • Earn multiple industry recognized designations and credentials to set them apart from their peers.
  • Learn while completing service-learning projects.
  • Collaborate with faculty and other participants in a designated CTE Honors Lounge.
  • Complete an integrated study in leadership and entrepreneurship.
  • Earn CTE Honors College designation by an enhanced Academic Experience with integrated work-based learning opportunities, community service projects, and demonstrated leadership.

Students in the CTE Honors College Program will have the following perks:

  • Scholarship that covers 5 credit hours; SDV107 Career Education 1 credit; SDV109 Student Leadership Development 1 credits;
    Scholar for 3 additional credits to be used for a class in the participant’s program of study.
  • A provided tool kit related to the program of study
  • SWCC CTE Honors College program polo shirt and hat, plus uniforms for competitions
  • CTE Honors College Program based trips and conferences
  • Club and competition enrollment and registration costs covered
  • Earn a medallion to wear at graduation and a sticker on your diploma designating CTE Honors College participation.

To be eligible for the Career and Technical Education Honors College Program, a student must:

For more information on the Electrical/Electronics program, contact Joe Godsey: 276-964-7276 or

For more information on the Precision Machining program, contact Steven Olinger: 276-964-7269 or

CTE Honors College Application

"*" indicates required fields

EmplID assigned upon application to SWCC.
SWCC Student Email*
Do you intend to enter the workforce upon graduation?*
List any previous academic institution attended
Acceptance into the Honors Program requires recommendation from a high school faculty member and from the CTE Honors College Committee, after an interview. The CTE Honors College Chair will contact you to schedule an interview.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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All Southwest locations are CLOSED on Friday, February 21, due to inclement weather.
Day & Evening Classes are canceled.